Email Title: UMCOR Sunday Email # 3
Email Subject: UMCOR Sunday Celebration is March 27, 2022
Scripture: “ will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.” —Isaiah 58:12b, NIV
Pretext: Give generously to UMCOR this Sunday!
Dear Church Leader:
Day after day UMCOR supports disaster relief near and far. Working through United Methodist response teams and other like-minded partners, UMCOR has been committed to alleviating suffering and giving hope continuously since 1940.
UMCOR Sunday is March 27, 2022—this Sunday. Select from or use all the resources and ideas listed below to help you have a seamless UMCOR Sunday celebration. Thank you for leading your congregation in supporting UMCOR’s general expenses.
- Present a mission story from the UMCOR Sunday Mission Moments and More (includes vignette about how the offering is used, scripture reading and offertory prayer) or use the Offering Talk provided in the Pastors’ and Leaders’ Kit as an introduction to the offering.
- Encourage your church members to give online at to the UMCOR Sunday offering.
- Use the Liturgy to promote participation in the worship service.
- Remind your speaker to emphasize ideas from the Sermon Starter.
- Print and place the UMCOR Sunday poster in a prominent place where it will be visible.
- Place the pew card and offering envelope in the back of each pew; if you use chairs, place them on each chair, or ask your greeters to hand them out as persons enter the worship area.
- Use the blog copy in your e-newsletter to prepare congregants for this special worship service.
- Share the total offering received for UMCOR Sunday.
- Send the offering to your annual conference treasurer.
- Customize the “thank you” note below and share it with your congregation on social media, text, newsletter or other appropriate outlets.
“Thank you for your generous gifts to UMCOR Sunday offering. We appreciate your generosity. This past Sunday our church gave $________________ to support UMCOR’s operating cost.
Your gifts, combined with gifts from across the connection, will help UMCOR respond promptly during times of crisis. When we support the UMCOR’s business expenses, 100 percent of gifts given to UMCOR for specific projects will go toward each project, not administrative costs. Your gifts allow UMCOR to share God’s love with communities that are in need.
Thank you.
Pastor ___________
When you give generously on UMCOR Sunday, you empower UMCOR to make a difference in the lives of people who are hurting.
Thank you,
The Connectional Giving Team