United Methodists Student Day Communications #3

Email Title: Special Sunday Communication 03 | United Methodist Student Day 2021

Preview Text: Educate United Methodist Students. Give generously on United Methodist Student Day.

Scripture: Then the people rejoiced because they had given willingly, for with a whole heart they had offered freely to the Lord. David the king also rejoiced greatly. —1 Chronicles 29:9 ESV  

Subject: United Methodist Student Day is this Sunday—November 28, 2021


Dear Church Leader,

The days are moving swiftly. United Methodist Student Day is ___ days away. Get ready to celebrate this important Special Sunday with Offering that recognizes United Methodist students. Use these ideas to enrich your celebration:

  • Check ResourceUMC.org/UMSD for a last-minute resource you might use in your worship service.
  • Present a mission story from the United Methodist Student Day (UMSD) Mission Moment and More at ResourceUMC.org/MMM (includes vignette about an offering recipient, scripture reading, and offertory prayer) or use the Offering Talk provided in the Pastor and Leader’s Kit before you receive the offering.
  • Pray for your students during the service.
  • Encourge your students and commit publicly to praying for your students while they are away attending college.
  • If you have a Gift of Hope scholarship recipient at your church, ask the student to share a testimonial during the worship. If not, play a UMSD video before the worship begins or during the service. Locate a video at ResourceUMC.org/UMSD.
  • If your church has online giving, communicate your online giving information to your congregation or ask them to give online at UMC.org/SSGive.
  • Celebrate the amount of offering; share the total offering received and thank the congregation for their generous gifts.
  • Send the offering to your annual conference treasurer.

Thank you for leading your congregation to celebrate United Methodist Student Day. Your congregation’s generous gifts to the United Methodist Student Day offering give our students hope. Your offering supports the UMSD Gift of Hope scholarship program.


Thank you,

Connectional Giving Team

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