Decision Number 45


April 22, 1947

The Decision of Bishop Magee in the Illinois Annual Conference, on the Right of Annual Conference to Make Appropriations Out of Its Benevolence Funds to Organizations on the Governing Boards of which the Annual Conference Has No Representation


An Annual Conference may by proper action make appropriations from Conference Funds to institutions or organizations on the governing Boards of which the Annual Conference is not represented by Trustees, Directors or other officials.

Statement of Facts


The following request was presented at the Illinois Conference which met at Jacksonville, Illinois. It was presented at the morning session Saturday, June 15, 1946. It reads as follows: "In view of the action which has just been taken placing the Student Foundation at St. Paul's Church, Chicago, and the student work at Northwestern University on the list of Conference benevolences of the Illinois Conference, an action with the spirit of which we are in complete accord, the Board of Education desires to ask a ruling from the Bishop as to the right of the Annual Conference to make such appropriations from Conference benevolence funds, in view of the fact that the Illinois Conference is not represented on the Governing Board of either of these organizations. (Paragraph 780 refers only to 'Conference causes' in peaking of the 'Conference benevolence budget.') (Paragraph 782 says that the Commission shall combine the 'World Service apportionment' with the 'Conference Benevolence Budget.')"


The reply which the presiding Bishop J. Ralph Magee made is as follows:
In accordance with the request for a ruling on the above referring to Paragraphs 780 and 782 it is my judgment that these Paragraphs do not require Conference representation in all Boards of Agencies to which Conference benevolences are contributed.


This ruling has been properly certified to the Judicial Council and is now regularly before the Council for review. The ruling, having been given careful consideration by the Judicial Council, is hereby affirmed.

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