Memorandum Number 1095
Request for Declaratory Decision from the South Central Jurisdiction College of Bishops on the Meaning, Application, and Effect of ¶ 705.1(b) of the <i>2004 Book of Discipline</i> to Article IV, Item B, Section 1 of the Rules of the South Central Jurisdictional Conference Prohibiting a Member of the Jurisdictional Pool from also Serving as a Member of the Jurisdiction's Committee on Nominations.
During the 2008 session of the General Conference, the South Central Jurisdiction College of Bishops unanimously requested a declaratory decision "regarding the constitutionality of a rule adopted by the South Central Jurisdictional Conference limiting the right of the Jurisdictional Nominating Committee from nominating certain members of the committee for a position on a general or jurisdictional board or agency. The rule in Article IV, Item B, Section I, now reads '…Persons elected by annual and missionary conferences for inclusion in the jurisdictional pool shall not serve as members of the Committee on Nominations, providing, however, that this restriction shall not apply to annual or missionary conferences that have fewer than eight delegates to Jurisdictional Conference.'"
The Judicial Council has jurisdiction under ¶ 2610 of the 2004 Book of Discipline.
Paragraph 705.1(b) of the 2004 Book of Discipline states "Each annual and missionary conference in the United States shall nominate the persons most recently elected as delegates to the General Conference to the jurisdictional pool." [Emphasis added]. A jurisdictional conference rule which infringes upon the right of each general conference delegate to be considered and/or elected to general and jurisdictional boards and agencies violates ¶ 705.1(b). A jurisdictional conference may not adopt a rule that is in conflict with the Book of Discipline.
A jurisdictional conference rule which infringes upon the right of each general conference delegate to be considered and/or elected to general and jurisdictional boards and agencies violates ¶ 705.1(b). A jurisdictional conference may not adopt a rule that is in conflict with the Book of Discipline.
Shamwange P. Kyungu was absent. C. Rex Bevins, the first clergy alternate, participated in this decision.