Decision Number 1512

October 26, 2024


Connectionalism is a bedrock principle of United Methodist constitutional polity, and the Trust Clause is its foundational element. Disaffiliation is a radical departure from connectionalism, and, therefore, church property can be released from the trust clause only to the extent authorized by Church law.

With the expiration and deletion of ¶2553, the postponed 2020 General Conference effectively removed from The Book of Discipline, 2016, [hereinafter Discipline] the only pathway for the disaffiliation of local churches. Except for the General Conference, no body or entity in the Church has the power to reinstate or replicate ¶2553 or adopt legislation, policies, guidelines, rules, or regulations authorizing the departure of local churches. Any such action, plan, or attempt to do so intrudes upon the exclusive prerogative of the General Conference and is unconstitutional, null, and void.

Further, ¶2549 cannot be construed or used as legislation permitting the gracious exit of local churches because applies to church closure and the sale of property, not disaffiliation. Any application of ¶2549 to that end would be a misapplication of Church law.


Bill Waddell recused and did not participate in any of the proceedings related to this decision. 

Molly Hlekani Mwayera was absent. Erin Hawkins, first lay alternate, participated in this decision. 

Øyvind Helliesen was absent.

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