지역 교회 리더십
Most Christian ministry happens at the local church level. ResourceUMC exists to support local church leaders—both clergy and laity—by providing practical tools and resources, such as a monthly planner, worship and liturgical materials, communications tools, stewardship resources, and more. We offer resources tailored to men, women and different age-levels, as well as tools to help congregations welcome new people and reach out to their communities.
교회 회계 및 재단 이사회, 사무 혹은 행정 관리자들, 임원회 회장, 목회위원회 회원들 및 교회 사역에 업무 측면에 참여하는 사람들은 여기서 답변과 아이디어를 찾을 수 있습니다.