뉴욕 연회의 젋은 한인 목회자들 성명서

사진제공: 뉴욕연회 젊은 한인 목회자 모임.
사진제공: 뉴욕연회 젊은 한인 목회자 모임.

뉴욕 연회의 비커튼 감독은 50대 미만의 젊은 한인 목회자들과 대화의 자리를 만들었다. 교단의 분리로 인해 여러 움직임이 있는 상황 속에서 비커튼 감독은 연합감리교단 안에 소망과 미래가 한인 젊은 목회자들에게 있음을 언급하며, 한 마음이 되어서 개체 교회와 교단을 위해#BeUMC 운동에 동참하길 부탁했다.

감독과의 대화와 교제에 참여했던 30여명의 목회자들은 그 후 2주에 걸쳐서 연합감리교회 안에서 어떻게 성령께서 그리스도의 몸인 교회와 교회를 이루는 성도들을 통하여 역사하실지 기대하며 기도했다. 기도와 나눔을 통해서 교회와 교단의 미래를 향해 함께 이루어 갈 사역에 대해 이야기를 나누었다.

나눔 속에 서로의 다름을 인지하게 되었다. 신학적 견해가 다양했고, 사역에 대한 이해와 접근도 달랐다. 각자 처한 상황도, 섬기는 교회와 공동체 속에도 다른 점이 많았다. 하지만 이 다름속에서 공존하며, 함께하는 사역을 꿈꾸며 대화할 수 있다는 것이 연합감리교단의 장점 중에하나임을 재확인하였다.

다름에도 불구하고 모두가 함께 공감할 수 있는 것이 있었으니 이는 다름 아닌 그리스도의 몸인 교회 통하여 역사하시는 하나님을 향한 소망이었다. 우리는 여러 형태의 악과 불의에 대항하며 성령께서 교회를 통해 세상을 바꿔 나가심을 믿고 그 거룩한 사역에 동참할 것을 다짐했다. 건물이 아닌 하나님의 사람들을 세우는 일, 그리고 새로운 세대 속에서 다양한 모양으로 세워질 신앙 공동체를 섬기는 일을 감당하기로 우리의  마음을 모았다.

 그리스도께서는 우리가 서로 다른 목소리를 인정하며 다른 이들의 생각에 귀 기울일 때 우리만의 화음을 만드셨다. 우리는 성령께서 이뤄 가실 거룩한 일들 속에서 지속해서 화음을 만들어 갈 것을 다짐하며 성명서에 마음과 뜻을 담아내고자 노력했다.


뉴욕 연회의 젊은 한인 목회자 성명서

우리는 연합감리교회 뉴욕연회의 젊은 한인 목회자로서 다양한 신학적 견해와 신념을 가지고있습니다. 우리 안에는 보수와 진보, 그리고 이 둘 사이에서 계속해서 고민하는 다수가 공존합니다. 우리는 감리교신학의 사중표준 (Wesleyan Quadrilateral: 성서, 전통, 이성, 경험)의 토대 위에 끊임없는 사유와 경험을 통해 성장하고 있습니다. 이러한 고민 속에서 우리는 성령께서 우리 안에서 그리고 우리를 통해서 끊임없이 역사하신다는 것을 믿으며 웨슬리 전통을 계승할것입니다. #BeUMC

우리는 장로목사(Elder), 집사목사(Deacon), 본처목사(Local Licensed Pastor)들 입니다. 우리 안에는 한인교회를 섬기는 목회자도 있고, 타인종/타문화교회를 섬기는 목회자도 있습니다.  우리는 연합감리교회 안에서 사랑의 공동체를 이뤄가는 소명을 계속해서 감당할 것입니다.  우리는 “열린 가슴, 열린 마음, 열린 문”(Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors)의 가치를 가지고 세상을 변화시키는 예수 그리스도의 제자 삼는 사역을 이어갈 것입니다.

우리는 여전히 우리가 감당해야 할 일이 많이 있다는 것을 알고 있습니다. 우리는 이 땅 가운데하나님 나라를 온전하게 이뤄가는 교회를 세우는 것이 우리의 사명임을 고백합니다. 우리는 인종, 성, 나이, 계급에 따른 불평등이 차별과 분열을 가져왔음을 알고 있습니다. 우리는 교회, 지방회, 연회 및 지역총회를 포함한 연합감리교회의 모든 기관과 연대하여 우리와 함께 신앙의삶을 살아가는 교인들의 필요가 사역에 반영되도록 더욱 노력할 것입니다. 우리는 연합감리교회가 가진 유기적 연대(Connectionalism)의 가치를 존중하며 연합감리교회와 함께하는 공동체로써 계속해서 사역해 나갈 것입니다. #BeUMC

“옳은 일을 하기에 옳지 않은 때는 없습니다” (“The time is always right to do right.”) 옳은 일은 말로 하는 것이 아닙니다. 비록 우리의 생각, 경험, 은사, 은혜가 다르더라도 우리는 연합감리교회안에서 우리의 사명을 함께 감당하겠습니다. 우리는 연합감리교회가 하나님의 뜻을 따라 살고자 하는 모든 사람들이 함께 모일 수 있는 공동체임을 믿습니다. 

지금 뉴욕은 아시아인의 인구가 늘어남과 동시에 아시아인 혐오범죄도 증가하 고 있습니다. 이런 상황속에서 우리는 연회와 함께 아픔을 공감하며 연대하는 (inclusive) 새로운 교회와 사역을 세워나가겠습니다. 혼돈과 불확실한 시대 가 운데 우리는 성령님의 역사를 통해 연합감리교회가 다시부흥할 수 있음을 고 백하며 확신합니다.이에 우리는 온 마음으로 화답하며 하나님의 말씀을 붙듭 니다. “여호와께서 네게 구하시는 것은 오직 정의를 행하며 인자를 사랑하며 겸손하게 네 하나님과 함께 행하는 것이 아니냐” (미가 6:8b)

연합감리교회 뉴욕연회 젊은 한인 목회자 일동,


Statement from Young Korean American Clergy

of New York Annual Conference

We, the young Korean and Korean American clergy of the New York Conference of the United Methodist Church, vary in theological perspectives and persuasions. We are conservative, progressive and many still in discernment. We are ever evolving in thought and experience; however, we hold the foundations of the Wesleyan Quadrilateral (scripture, tradition, reason, and experience). In this time of discernment, we believe the Holy Spirit continues to work in and through us in the United Methodist Church. We commit ourselves again to our Wesleyan foundations and as a result, we can #BeUMC together.

We serve Korean congregations. We serve Cross Racial Cross Cultural ministry settings. We are elders, deacons, and local licensed pastors. We will continue to live out our call in the United Methodist Church, working together to build up the beloved community. We commit ourselves to the mission of the United Methodist Church, to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. We will continue to open doors, open hearts, open minds. 

We recognize that there is much work to bedone still. We commit ourselves to work towards a community that reflects heaven on earth more fully; we recognize that the disparities in experience is a result of racism, sexism, ageism and classism,  which currently exists. We will work towards equal representation and including all persons on all levels of the United Methodist Church, including the local church, district, conference, and the jurisdiction. We value the connectionalism of the UMC and will continue to live into the community we know we are called to be for we are and will #BeUMC.

“The time is always right to do right.” Not just to say what is right. We state that although we vary in thoughts, expressions, gifts and grace, we still come together to live out our call in the United Methodist Church. We believe there is a place for us and for all who desire to seek God’s will in and through the United Methodist Churches, for such a time as this. With increasing Anti-Asian hate crime rates and Asian American populations in NYC, we will strive to plant new churches and develop inclusive ministries with the New York Annual Conference. In a time of uncertainty and chaos, we confess and affirm the work of the Holy Spirit, to revive once again the people of the United Methodist Church so that we will wholeheartedly respond to God: 

“What does the Lord require of us?

To do justice, 

and to love kindness,

and to walk humbly with our God.”

Prayerfully and as a community signed,

The Young Korean American clergy of the New York Conference of the United Methodist Church.

 Rev. Roslyn Lee   Rev. Hyunduk Choi
 Rev. Dong Hyun Choi  Rev. Yountae Kim
 Rev. Steve (Young Dong) Kim
 Rev. Joseph Yang
 Rev. Sejin Cha  Rev. Inkoo Chung
 Rev. Jung Ung Moon  Pastor Eun Sung Han
 Pastor Prumeh Lee  Rev. Jacob Hanbin Eun
 Pastor Jinha Choi  Rev. Daeho Choi
 Rev. Seung Jin Hong  Pastor Yeon Shin
 Pastor Saebuek Lee  Rev. Austin Park
 Rev. Jinwoo Kim  Rev. WooYoung Choi
 Pastor Kihun Choi Rev. Young Choi
 Rev. Won Tack Lee Rev. Seungho Shin
 Rev. Hyemin Yoo  


오천의 목사는 한인/아시아인 리더 자료를 담당하고 있는 연합감리교회 정회원목사이다. [email protected]나 615) 742-5457로 연락할 수 있다. 

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